Content » Vol 99, Issue 13


Skin Barrier Damage and Itch: Review of Mechanisms, Topical Management and Future Directions

Gil Yosipovitch, Laurent Misery, Ehrhardt Proksch, Martin Metz, Sonja Ständer, Martin Schmelz
DOI: 10.2340/00015555-3296


Barrier damage, dry skin and itch are intricately linked and form the basis of many common skin diseases. Damage from environmental insults, or genetic or inflammatory causes, can impair the skin barrier, resulting in an increase in transepidermal water loss and activation of itch-associated nerve fibres. The itch-scratch cycle can perpetuate skin barrier damage and itch. Topical therapeutic strategies are utilised to overcome dry skin and itch, primarily in the form of emollients. Recent advances in our understanding of the mechanisms underlying itch have enabled the development of new topical therapies, which may be incorporated into existing treatment regimes. Ultimately, treatment of dry skin and itch must be highly tailored to the individual according to their needs.


Itch is a common symptom of many skin barrier-related dermatoses and can severely impact quality of life. However, there are a limited number of effective anti-itch topical therapies currently available and several unmet needs not addressed by current itch management strategies. As our knowledge of the mechanisms underlying itch has improved, several novel therapies have recently emerged that can be incorporated into existing regimens to enhance itch therapy and management. Here, we summarise research and current opinion on available topical therapies and give recommendations for the optimal management of itch.

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