
Content - Volume 59, Issue 6

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Pruritus in polycythemia vera: treatment with aspirin and possibility of platelet involvement
Fjellner B. Hägermark Ö.
The characteristic temperature-dependent pruritus in polycythemia vera (PV) is described. The triggering factor seems to be a sudden decrease in skin temperature, e.g. after a hot bath or shower. The sudden onset and limited duration of the pruritus might suggest an activation or release of some humoral factor(s). In a controlled study we showed that aspirin alleviates this particular pruritus. Th ...
Pages: 505-512
Abstract  PDF
The activity in vitro of five different antimycotics against Pityrosporum orbiculare
J. Faergemann, S. Bernander
The activity in vitro of miconazole, clotrimazole, econazole, sodium omadine, and sodium thiosulphate against Pityrosporum orbiculare was found to correlate with the good clinical results these drugs produce in tinea versicolor. In addition many substances used as solvents or in vehicles had an inhibitory effect in vitro against P. orbiculare. The influence of the culture medium, especially lipids ...
Pages: 521-524
Abstract  PDF
Induction of delayed-type sensitivity to Leishmania parasite in a case of leishmaniasis cutanea diffusa with BCG and cord-factor (Trehalose-6-6' dimycolate).
Cohen HA.
The delayed hypersensitivity against the leishmania parasite was restored to a patient who had suffered from diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL) for 26 years, by the application of an ointment containing heat-killed and lyophilized BCG and cord-factor (trehalose-6-6'-dimycolate) after stripping the affected and adjacent areas with scotch-tape.
Pages: 547-549
Abstract  PDF