Content » Vol 84, Issue 4

Investigative Report

Frequency and Distribution Pattern of Melanocytic Naevi in Swedish 8-9-year-old Children

Ingrid Synnerstad, Lennart Nilsson, Mats Fredrikson, Inger Rosdahl
DOI: 10.1080/00015550410025903


Thenaevus profile was examined in a Swedish cohort of 8-9-year-oldchildren; 524/545 individuals (96%) were examined (279 boys and 245girls). There was a wide variation in the total number of naevi (0-79)and boys had more naevi than girls (median 9 and 7, respectively, p<0.01).No dysplastic naevi were found. Overall, 15/524 (3%) had at least onelesion clinically diagnosed as a congenital melanocytic naevus. Boyshad more naevi on the face (median 1) and trunk (median 5) than girls(median 0 and 3, respectively, p<0.001). There was nodifference in the number of naevi on the legs between the two sexes.The highest counts per unit surface area for both sexes were found onthe back, chest and the lateral aspect of the arms, areasintermittently sun-exposed. Children with fair skin and light eyecolours had significantly more naevi than those with darker colours butchildren with red hair had very few naevi. Children with one or morenaevi on the buttocks (25%), dorsal surfaces of the feet (11%) or onthe scalp (7%) had twice as many naevi in total compared with thosewithout naevi in these regions. Children with naevi in all threeregions (0.8%) had four times as many naevi in total. A relationshipbetween total counts and counts on the back or lateral aspect of thearms was found (r2=0.59). Either of these two areas might be suitable for predicting total naevus counts.


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