Content » Vol 23, Issue 4

A placebo controlled trial of ultrasound therapy in chronic leg ulceration

Eriksson SV, Lundeberg T, Malm M.
Department of Medicine, Danderyds Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
DOI: 10.2340/165019779123211213


A controlled study of the effects of ultrasound on healing chronic leg ulcers was carried out in conjunction with standard treatment on 38 patients divided randomly into two groups. All patients received standard treatment (paste impregnated bandage and a self-adhesive elastic bandage plus placebo ultrasound or ultrasound (1. 0 watt/cm2 at 1 MHz, for 10 min) twice weekly for 8 weeks. Percentage healed ulcer area and number of healed ulcers were compared after 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks. There were no significant differences in the proportion of healed ulcers or ulcer area in the ultrasound group as compared with the placebo group

Lay Abstract


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