Content » Vol 49, Issue 7

Original report

Communication in children and adolescents after acquired brain injury: An exploratory study

Åsa Fyrberg, Göran Horneman, Jakob Åsberg Johnels, Gunilla Thunberg, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Department of Applied IT, Cognitive Science, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden. E-mail:

DOI: 10.2340/16501977-2243

Lay Abstract

Adolescents with acquired head injuries may suffer from communication impairments which severely affect their ability to cope in daily interactions. These impairments need careful assessment to increase the knowledge needed for rehabilitation interventions. In the present study we compared parental ratings of daily communication in 30 adolescents, with data from tests of language and intelligence. We found that youths with more impaired communication according to the parental evaluations had lower scores on tests of language comprehension and intelligence and they had injuries mainly located to the left side of the brain. We recommend a mixed methods approach in these investigations to increase the understanding of communication impairments in adolescents after ABI.

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