Content » Vol 95, Issue 7

Clinical Report

Retrospective Evaluation of Conservative Treatment for 140 Ingrown Toenails with a Novel Taping Procedure

Akiko Watabe, Kenshi Yamasaki, Akira Hashimoto, Setsuya Aiba
DOI: 10.2340/00015555-2065


The aim of this study is retrospectively to review the efficacy of a taping procedure for treating ingrown toe­nails or for supporting other conservative treatments of ingrown toenails. A total of 140 ingrown toenails treated at the Dermatology Clinic in Tohoku University Hospital were retrospectively reviewed for demographic characteristics, association with granulation tissue or infection, treatment modalities and their outcomes, and classified according the treatment modalities. All the ingrown toe­nails were treated with a novel taping procedure, “slit tape-strap procedure” alone or in conjunction with other conservative treatments. The mean?±?SD duration until pain relief and until cure of the ingrown toenail were 4.8?±?4.7 days, range 0–24 and 21.0?±?11.2 weeks, range 4–56, respectively. All of the treatments were all effective, although 18 cases recurred after treatment. The “slit tape-strap procedure” is effective in treating ingrown toenails, either as a monotherapy or as a supportive therapy for other conservative treatments.


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