Content » Vol 71, Issue 3

Quantification of Birbeck's granules in human Langerhans' cells.

Bartosik J, Lamm CJ, Falck B
DOI: 10.2340/0001555571209213


A proper understanding of the function of Birbeck's granules requires that they should be counted under various conditions. We now present a simple quantification method which does not depend on specific assumptions concerning size, shape or location of the particles counted and can, moreover, be applied for counting other subcellular structures as well. A population of 69 serially sectioned human Langerhans' cells had an average of 290 granules and no cell contained fewer than 96 granules, indicating that as they degrade, granules are continuously formed. Suprabasal Langerhans' cells contained significantly more granules than did the basal cells.


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