
Content - Volume 2, Issue 6

All articles

Feasibility of whole body vibration therapy in individuals with dystonic or spastic dystonic cerebral palsy: A pilot study
Tamis W. Pin , Penelope B. Butler, Sheila Purves , Nathan Chi-Kwong Poon
Objective: To examine the feasibility and practicality of whole body vibration therapy for individuals with dystonic or spastic dystonic cerebral palsy. Design: Pilot study. Subjects: Children and adults with dystonic or spastic dystonic cerebral palsy. Methods: Study participants received total body vibration therapy when standing still on a vibration platform for 3 bouts, duration 3-min, o ...
Pages: 1-6
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Sacral insufficiency fracture in patients with spinal cord injury: A report of 2 unusual cases and Review of literature
Kappaganthu Venkatesh Prasanna, Nijanth M. Raj, Siddeshwar Patil
Objective: Sacral insufficiency fractures should be considered in differential diagnosis as a cause of autonomic dysreflexia and other vague symptoms in patients with spinal cord injury. Setting: The Supra Regional Tertiary Centre, Midlands Centre for Spinal Injuries, Oswestry, UK. Method: Outpatient clinic review of 2 patients with long-standing spinal cord injury presenting with vague sympto ...
Pages: 1-4
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Identifying sub-acute rehabilitation needs among individuals after transient ischaemic attack using rehab-compass as a simple screening tool in the outpatient clinic
Gustaf Magaard, Britt-Marie Stålnacke, Ann Sörlin, Fredrik Öhberg, Stina Berggren, Emma Grollmuss, Xiaolei Hu
Objective: To evaluate comprehensive unmet rehabilitation needs by using a novel graphic screening tool, Rehab-Compass, among individuals in the sub-acute stage after first-ever transient ischaemic attack. Methods: A pilot prospective cohort study investigated 47 individuals with first-ever transient ischaemic attack in an outpatient clinic setting. By using Rehab-Compass, based on well-validate ...
Pages: 1-6
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